Welcome to my world wide web page. It’s small but cozy, hope you like it. Have a look around!
This is me.
I’m from a little town facing the Mediterranean and the youngest of three siblings. I come from a family of fishermen, electricians and carpenters. I have soft hands.
I love drawing since I was a kid. That took me to study design. Quite happy with the outcome!
My career is on user experience and interaction design.
I focus on empathy, clarity and functionality while being kind with the people I work with.
I currently work in Siemens helping build simulation software for industrial services.
I’ve worked for many different industries in corporate companies like Amazon or BBVA and in small studios doing all kinds of design escapades. You can check out all my previous work adventures on my Linkedin profile.
Teaching and sharing my design experience is something I care deeply about. It’s a rewarding experience, always.
Currently I lecture at La Nave Nodriza, an amazing design education space in Madrid. Very happy to be a part of their team.
To get in touch, please dial
Don’t be a stranger!
Visual arts bring joy to my eyeballs and tickles my brain. From old ephemera to the latest typography trends, I get emotional. I collect all visual imagery that touches me on are.na.
I’ve also done my fair share of work on branding, illustration, graphic design… Solving visual challenges is bliss!
I don’t want to miss the chance of giving a shout out to friends, colleagues and others that I really admire. You’re the best!
Oh wow, running out of pixels already.
Ok, so I hope this brings some color about who I am. Thank you for passing by. Means a lot. 🙂